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freelance designer + senior designer + art director

Mighty Moms is an online gathering place for all mothers—providing a safe place to learn and grow throughout all the stages of motherhood.


In 2016, I partnered with Heather Taylor, the Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO), to help rebrand her current website, Incredible Infant, to meet the growing nature of motherhood. I designed the new brand logo and helped establish the look and feel of the new brand.


Rebranding a website that has been around for 10+ years was no small feat. It meant that there were hundreds of blog post and social media graphics that needed to be redesigned in a short amount of time. Given the large task at hand, I also had the opportunity to manage and provide art direction to two other designers on the remote design team.


Significant design projects included: designing the logo, selecting the color palette, establishing the brand standards, designing the website blog post graphics, creating social media graphics, designing several ebooks, printables, and promotional flyers.


My main responsibilities included: meeting weekly deadlines for blog post and social media graphics, purchasing stock photography, managing and providing art direction to two other designers on the remote design team, and providing art direction for the user interface of the website.

For this project, I worked with Joey Farruggio at on the backend website development.

Please note that the initial website that I helped launch has been redesigned by Joey Farruggio to keep up with the ever-changing SEO and Google analytics recommendations.

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